AgrAbility eNote banner
February 2009


Missouri AgrAbility staff members facilitated three presentations to case managers working with the Missouri Veterans Administration, with an emphasis on Missouri veterans who are already involved in agriculture, will be returning to agriculture, or who are interested in employment in occupations like agriculture. The program provided programmatic information, resource materials, and information on services available for these veterans with disabilities.

Missouri AgrAbility staff members provided three presentations at “A Joint Effort” workshop for arthritis educators, hosted by the CDC's statewide Missouri Arthritis and Osteoporosis Program. Arthritis educators learned about the medical aspects of arthritis, related conditions, functional limitations, and how employment can be affected. Additionally, the workshop covered  services offered by the MAP and discussed other community programs that are available to assist rural individuals with arthritis who want to remain in their homes independently.

Jackie Allenbrand, AgrAbility Outreach Coordinator in the Northwest Region, showcased the Missouri AgrAbility Project at a local farm show. She distributed the Missouri AgrAbility informational brochure, 350 Missouri AgrAbility ergonomic personal medical information identification card holders, MERIL disability etiquette books, and the MARRTC/MAP farming with arthritis booklet and DVD.  Participants from both Missouri and Nebraska learned more about the PHARM dog program. Jackie also provided an AgrAbility talk to the 11 county USDA-FSA district managers within the region.

Submitted by:Karen Funkenbusch