CalAgrAbility staff has been updating their expertise by attending the Wisconsin Farm Assessment training in Madison and the Farm Safety Institute Conference in Louisiana. Staff also represented CalAgrAbility at the Annual Senior Injury Prevention Conference, where considerable interest was expressed by various agencies to have CalAgrAbility conduct special trainings for county staff.
CalAgrAbility has continued regular meetings with Purdue to publish the Spanish version of Arthritis and Agriculture in fotonovela format. Production continues with a Fresno, CA, production company, who is currently conducting photo shoots with the actors.
Along with the California Arthritis Foundation, CalAgrAbility is also finalizing the Spanish version of "Taking the Reins" a training module targeting farm workers. It will consist of a Trainer Manual and three 2-hour sessions in power point. A pilot version of Taking the Reins in will be tested in July at the California Migrant Housing Centers.
Submitted by: Martha Stiles