Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Area A Training –Sandra Stevenson, AgrAbility Program Manager, conducted training to approximately 130 DRS Counselors on June 29, 2009
“The purpose of this training was to educate counselors about the services the AgrAbility Project can provide and to further promote collaboration between us,” Stevenson said.
Oklahoma AgrAbility Extension – Changes have arrived! The National AgrAbility Project now has a new look. So, Oklahoma does to. We are seeing green!
The Project now has a crisp, agricultural look. The Oklahoma AgrAbility newsletter, Web site and all other forms of communication and educational materials will also soon be showing the new green color.
The newsletter changes include design and content. We will now feature a farmer success story on page one of every issue. Page two, and sometimes three, will feature partner updates. Page three will have a resource feature from Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma ABLE Tech or the Langston University School of Physical Therapy. Future events and the Project’s news features will be listed on page four.
As changes are being made, and any other time, if you have suggestions for the web site, newsletter or other materials we produce please let me know. You can contact Amanda Erichsen at 405-744-2398 or amanda.erichsen@okstate.edu. The partners of Oklahoma AgrAbility want you to have full and easy access to your resources!
Stacy Bauter comes to the AgrAbility project as a program assistant. She is a Stillwater native and completed her Bachelor’s degree in Human Development Family Sciences with a Child and Family Services option in 2008. Stacy has extensive experience working with children with mental illnesses and their families as a Case Manager in the mental health field. She also has experience as a program assistant and an event planner.
“It’s through family that I have learned about agriculture and I am very excited about assisting the Oklahoma AgrAbility in linking agricultural families with resources and provides technical assistance.” Bauter said.
Bauter is also involved with the City of Stillwater Accessibility Advisory Board, Kiwanis, Mobile Meals, and Special Olympics. Bauter has also been involved as a mentor with family support groups and parent to parent mentoring programs.
Submitted by: Amanda Erichsen and Kylee Willard