AgrAbility eNote banner
November 2009


California AgrAbility staff was invited to conduct the "Rehabilitating California's Farmers & Workers" Training Workshop for the California Dept. of Rehabilitation, Statewide Assistive Technology Advisory Council in October.  About 25 advisors attended this training.

As a member of the California Small Farm Conference (CSFC) Executive Board, Cal AgrAbility is  now recruiting small farmers and agriculture students to attend the 2010 training conference in San Diego.  Each year CSFC awards scholarships to low-resource farmers.  CalAgrAbility consumers have obtained scholarships in past years and are actively encouraged to attend.. The 2010 CSFC, as in past years, will offer AgrAbility workshops, this year featuring Therese Willkomm as a trainer in San Diego.  

California Arthritis Foundation represented CalAgrAbility at a central valley farm worker health event and disseminated information about both programs.  In addition, Arthritis Foundation bilingual staff has started work on the user manual of the newly-developed, three-week Spanish self-help training.  

For November, National Diabetes Awareness Month, CalAgrAbility is promoting partner hospitals' and clinics' events.  Woodland Healthcare is offering free English and Spanish seminars addressing self management of the disease.  Catholic Healthcare West Woodland Clinic offers seminars and bilingual materials on nutrition and other food choices.

Submitted by: Martha Stiles