AgrAbility eNote banner
February 2010


Indiana recently hired a part time student intern, who is actively involved in her local FFA chapter, to represent the Breaking New Ground Resource Nellie Bell in classroomCenter to fellow Agriculture Education departments throughout the state. Nellie Bell, daughter of Indiana AgrAbility client/consultant Ed Bell, has visited more than 10 schools and has spoken to more than 200 students. Nellie promotes the Bridging Horizon’s contest and is using the NEC Curriculum as part of her presentation. Nellie is making a huge impact statewide and helping share the word about BNG!

January & February have been busy months for the BNG staff, attending a variety of winter farm shows, including the Ft. Wayne Farm show thatNellie Bell in classroom draws a large crowd year after year. The League for the Blind and Disabled, one of IN subcontractors, helped to staff the booth and did a great job interacting with the shows visitors. In addition, BNG staff attended the Indiana Horticulture Congress hosted by Purdue University, as well as the Indiana Rural Health Council's Public Policy Forum. It may be snowing outside, but we're still hitting the pavement full speed ahead!

BNG also recently held a day long training with Transition Resources Corporation to determine ways to better reach the seasonal/migrant farmworker population. The day included sharing of staff roles, brainstorming ways to better meet the migrant worker population in Indiana, as well as a conference call with Martha Stiles of California AgrAbility. The day ended with a tour of Life Essentials given by Hubert Von Holten and Kathy Smith.

Submitted by: Kim Stockment