March 19 was the annual Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE)--” The World’s Largest Youth Livestock Show.” Since 1915 Oklahoma youth and their families have been making this event a tradition in their lives; a pinnacle to a year of hard work and through the years making this event not only the World’s Largest Junior Livestock Show but an event which highlights the world’s best and brightest young people.
This year, the Oklahoma AgrAbility Project was represented by Amanda Erichsen and Kylee Willard at the event as part of OSU Day at the OYE.In its fourth year, this day is one of the most highly anticipated days at the OYE. This day presents a tremendous opportunity to showcase the best of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and enlighten a large audience specifically to the vast opportunities that do exist within DASNR at Oklahoma State University.
Attendees and participants of the youth expo had the opportunity to interact representatives from DASNR and organizations that work closely with DASNR in building opportunities in career paths and educational opportunities through OSU.
The message portrayed by DASNR at the youth expo is quite clear: Oklahoma State University is proud to support Oklahoma’s 4-H and FFA youth livestock exhibitors and the many educators in this state which make this life changing educational experience possible. There is excitement about the bright future as the next generation of come to OSU and in particular the Division of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources.
Submitted by:Amanda Erichsen