On June 11, Rob Stuthridge of Indiana AgrAbility presented a workshop on Arthritis and Ergonomics at the 97th Home and Family Conference, details of which may be found at:
The workshop explored both the management and prevention of arthritis within the home and workplace through the application of ergonomics. The event aims to promote awareness of AgrAbility resources for those in rural settings, but will also provide guidance relevant to the non-agricultural workplace and to home and leisure.
On June 25, Rob Stuthridge of Indiana AgrAbility is scheduled to present a breakout session at the Indiana Migrant Farmworker Conference, details of which may be found at: http://www.doe.in.gov/lmmp/migrant.html. The session - entitled "Disability Resources and Assistance" - will highlight Breaking New Ground (BNG)/Indiana AgrAbility, which provide technical assistance to promote and enhance the independence of farm workers impacted by disability. The session will focus on the resources and services available through BNG/AgrAbility to migrant farm workers with disabilities.
Submitted by: Rob Stuthridge
Amber Wolfe staffed a three-day exhibit at the Shipshewana Flea Market and Auction by from May 5-7. Shipshewana, Indiana has a large Amish community and is known around the United States for its acres of flea markets, homemade foods and crafts, and livestock auctions. The Plain Facts on Arthritis brochure was handed out, along with Indiana AgrAbility brochures, the AgrAbility Harvest newsletter, and other Arthritis Foundation publications. An estimated 250 patrons visited the booth over the 3 days.
Submitted by: Amber Wolfe