AgrAbility eNote banner
September 2010


The College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, as a part of the Mizzou Central at the 2010 Missouri State Fair Rural Lifestyle Showcase, promoted the Missouri AgrAbility Project and AgrAbility Gardens For Every Body. The State Fair provided an excellent opportunity for AgrAbility staff members to demonstrate assistive technology and adapted devices and pass out programmatic materials to fairgoers.

Don Schuster demonstrated the Missouri AgrAbility chair-lift and disseminated AgrAbility information packets at the Graves-Chappel and Huntley-Whaley field days in a joint display with Jackie Allenbrand. Pat Snodgrass and Karen Funkenbusch co-facilitated an AgrAbility Gardens For Every Body leader training for Master Gardeners. Pat Snodgrass reported, “because of the leader training, this program will reach 5 clubs and 70 women.” Rural Master Gardeners learned about the Missouri AgrAbility Project coupled with the importance of using ergonomic, enabling, and modified tools. Master Gardener leaders also learned several easy stretches and exercises for gardeners with arthritis.

Pat Snodgrass and Karen Funkenbusch co-facilitated an AgrAbility Gardens For Every Body leader training for Master Gardeners. Pat Snodgrass reported, “because of the leader training, this program will reach 5 clubs and 70 women.” Rural Master Gardeners learned about the Missouri AgrAbility Project coupled with the importance of using ergonomic, enabling, and modified tools. Master Gardener leaders also learned several easy stretches and exercises for gardeners with arthritis.

Submitted by Karen Funkenbusch