AgrAbility eNote banner
December 2010


The staff participated in several veterans events in November and published CalAgrability Research News in English and Spanish. CalAgrAbility has also had discussions with Ohio AgrAbility about working with VA centers in Ohio and across the country.

Staff attended a RISE Collaborative meeting and networked with Adult Education Services in Yolo County to extend Arthritis trainings and ESL classes to rural venues. Through networking efforts, CalAgrability has also joined with the Yolo County "Hear Hear" groups for the hearing impaired, who were interested in the Farm Noise webinars at CDC. Other networking partners include the Yolo County Drug and Alcohol Department and ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.  Several consumers have requested classes on specific production practices, and ATTRA has been very helpful to them.

For one consumer with TBI and other special needs CalAgrability has discovered The Janet Pomeroy Center in the San Francisco Bay Area. It provides recreational, vocational, and educational opportunities for people with disabilities through programs and services that encourage self-expression, promote personal achievement, and lead to greater independence.

Submitted by Martha Stiles