AgrAbility eNote banner
August 2011


Commodity fair and health event season is in full swing. In July, CalAg participated in the Campesina Fair in SoCal and the Pear Festival near the Sacramento Delta. CalAgrAbility Taking the Reins Arthritis Workshops were well received at the Dixon Migrant Center, as were the five Rehabilitating California Farmers presentations conducted throughout the northern Central Valley. Staff presented to the Woodland Community Hospital, Family Resource Center, Planned Parenthood, Butte Region Migrant Education, and RISE Yolo Collaborative. The program also disseminated 3-tier display stands to agencies throughout the region along with CalAg and injury materials. Staff continues to meet with the HLA in developing bilingual materials regarding hearing loss and prevention for farm families. CalAg staff also was asked to be on the board for the Hearing Loss Association in Yolo County. Staff attended trainings with the SBDC regarding using Social Media and Marketing programs. Staff has also expanded consumer-assistance collaborations with the Modesto ILC and the USDA Tulare County Assistance Center (NRCS). CalAgrAbility has helped Central Valley farmers in finding USDA grants.

Submitted by Martha Stiles