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November 2011

National AgrAbility Project

Thank you to all the presenters, sponsors, and participants who made the 2011 AgrAbility NTW a success! This year's conference had a record-setting attendance of approximately 230. Preliminary feedback from the participants indicates a high satisfaction level with the quality of the presentations. PowerPoints from the breakout sessions are slated to be posted on the NAP website soon.

A total of 34 AgrAbility customers/caregivers, including five veterans, received scholarships to attend the NTW. Of these, funded partner the Arthritis Foundation awarded seven consumer scholarships, and Goodwill provided four. In addition, four Arthritis Foundation staff were also funded to attend the workshop to further their collaboration with the NAP. AF staff members on scholarships attended from the National Office in Atlanta, Georgia, Ohio, Minnesota, and New York. Goodwill also provided stipends for Goodwill staff members from several states to attend.

Submitted by Paul Jones and Amber Wolfe

NAP staff members have been involved in publishing six peer-reviewed journal articles related to AgrAbility in the past year. They are:

Mathew, S. N., Field, W. E., & French, B. F. (2011). Content validation using expert panel: Assessment process for Assistive Technology adopted by farmers with disabilities. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 17(3).

Mathew, S. N., Field, W. E., & French, B. F. (2011). Utilizing 19 case studies to develop an assessment process to evaluate secondary injury potential of Assistive Technology adopted by farmers with disabilities. Journal of Agromedicine, 16(3).

Mathew, S. N. & Field, W. E. (2011). Impact of Vocational Rehabilitation Services on AgrAbility Projects and farmers with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 35(2).

Schweitzer, R. A., Deboy, G. R., Jones, P. J., & Field, W. E. (2011). AgrAbility mental/behavioral health for farm/ranch families with disabilities. Journal of Agromedicine, 16(2), 87-98.

Cook, K .E. & Field, W. E. (2011). Proceedings of Arthritis, Agriculture, and Rural Life: State of the Art Research, Practices, and Applications Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, May 11-13, 2011. Journal of Agromedicine, 16(4):311-318.

Racz, C. W. & Field, W. E. (2011). Dissemination of Assistive Technology information to farmers and ranchers with disabilities. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 17(3): 187-207.

Submitted by Paul Jones