AgrAbility eNote banner
December 2011


CalAgrAbility staff, including their Arthritis Foundation partner, had a great time at the National Training Workshop. The group reported learning quite a lot at each session and making new contacts with other state projects.

Taking The Reins: Working and Living with Arthritis for Rural Families (TTR) workshops continue to be a popular community training. Last month CalAg conducted four more trainings. Since July staff has completed nearly 20 TTR self-help training workshops in Spanish and English throughout California's farming regions.

Last month CalAg Pacific Region partner Arthritis Foundation (AF) sponsored a leader training event in Land Exercises for Arthritis in the Sacramento area. Two CalAg staff attended the three-day training in order to become certified as AF leaders. CalAg staff will be conducting their requisite six weeks of community exercise workshops in Sacramento and Yolo Counties before receiving their certificates.

The CalAg director was invited to a meeting with the director of the California Farm Service Agency (FSA) to discuss in detail collaborations for the coming year. CA FSA is re-prioritizing its outreach program and wants CalAgrAbility to continue to play an active role in each county. They offer meeting space and staff assistance for community events as well as extensive networking opportunities for consumers.

The Small Farms Conference (CFC) committees have the program nailed down for 2012. CalAg's CFC Scholarship campaign is in full throttle, and several CalAg consumers are applying. The Yolo County Master Gardeners, one of the largest programs in the state, is working with CalAg staff to conduct a Rehabilitating Farmers workshop in 2012. In addition, the California Foundation for Independent Living Center has asked CalAg to create a program to train all county ILC staff on working with farmers and ranchers.

CalAgrAbility is looking forward to a wonderful holiday season, and everyone here wishes all of you reading this a happy season as well.

Submitted by Martha Stiles