Anna Lewandowski, an OT graduate student, is working with the Nebraska AgrAbility team this semester on a professional rotation. Anna's focus for the 16 weeks will be preventative health, specifically stretching exercises for farmers and ranchers as a measure to prevent or delay the onset of chronic conditions and muscle and joint stress. She began work mid-August and has been involved in farm visits and preparation for a variety of educational presentations which start with Nebraska's Husker Harvest Days September 11th. She will also adapt her presentation to a younger audience as NE AgrAbility strives to teach preventative measures to youth at safety days in September and October.
Nebraska AgrAbility lost a true friend to the program on Friday, August 24th. Nathan James, owner of Advanced Mobility Solutions, was killed in a car accident. You may have met Nathan at NTW in Indianapolis last fall. Nathan went above and beyond to help farmers and ranchers with disabilities continue the way of life that they love through his innovative designs and friendly attitude. He will be missed. See the Nebraska AgrAbility Facebook page for more.
Submitted by Sharry Nielsen