Maine AgrAbility is working to establish the second official state chapter of the Farmer Veteran Coalition in Maine. The state chapter will support all veterans seeking work or entrepreneurship in any agricultural field. Check out the efforts on Facebook -- more information coming soon!
Lani Carlson presented an "Assistive Technology and Agriculture" presentation to high school students at the 4-H Connecting Kids to Campus event held at the University of Maine campus on April 18. She presented information using the NAP online resource Assistive Technology Curriculum for Rural Youth along with skills and information learned from the Therese Willkomm event last month. The kids all made business card switches to operate headlamps without the use of their hands.
The Maine AgrAbility program was mentioned in the Portland Press Herald blog the Root on May 2. A new article "Oh My Aching…" has been posted to the Maine AgrAbility website about the importance of stretching and ergonomic tools for gardeners.
Submitted by Lani Carlson