Rod Peterson and Sharry Nielsen met by video conference with Vocational Rehabilitation staff across the state to give an overview of Nebraska and National AgrAbility and discuss the processes followed in collaborating with VR. The new program director for the state, Judy Vohland, invited the two in order for VR staff to have a better understanding of the projects. About 50 counselors at 10 sites participated.
"Women Caring for the Land," a workshop sponsored by FAN, was the site for a brief overview and Q&A session of the Nebraska project. Sharry Nielsen highlighted the educational priority with a look at the new "Stretching for Farmers" brochure as well as discussing the assistance and networking priorities. Twenty-five participated in the day-long workshop.
Alexa Benson, an OT student from Rockhurst University in Kansas City, spent a week-long fieldwork experience with the Nebraska AgrAbility team. After a project overview and look at resources, web sites, and activities, she met with Nancy Frecks to learn more about the peer network and website. On following days, she met with Mike Tufte, ESN program manager, to learn about Easter Seals and their new rehabilitation clinic; with Rod Peterson for a client follow-up visit; and with Del Ficke for an initial client visit.
The recently-funded Temporary AT Program began a pilot period this month as Del Ficke delivered a chair lift to Clayton Hergott, an AgrAbility client in southeast Nebraska. Clayton has agreed to pilot both the equipment and the procedures for loaning the equipment as he works in his cattle operation. Kerry Hoffschneider, representative from DuPont/Pioneer who funded the initial equipment, was on hand for a photo shoot and interviews about the project. She will use the information to promote the grant as well as the Nebraska AgrAbility Project.
Submitted by Sharry Nielsen