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July 2013


AgrAbility Gardens For Every Body staff provides support to Columbia and Boone county community garden coalitions to explore ways in which to help the elderly, lower incomes, and individuals with disabilities have access to fresh food. During the event, individuals toured five community gardens. Each garden is independently maintained with AgrAbility staff members providing gardening, wellness, health, nutrition, and safety tips and techniques for gardeners.

PHARM to Farm Project On-Site Farmstead Medication Assessments and Evaluations will be launched July 1, 2013. PHARM to Farm is a joint partnership between the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy and Missouri AgrAbility Project. AgrAbility clients will be offered on-the-farm assessments by pharmacists and upper level student pharmacists. This free service is being provided to help AgrAbility clients get the most out of their medicines and improve their overall health. Examples of services offered to AgrAbility clients include: medication assessments, health screenings, medication education, and safety tips. Dr. Kelly Cochran, a clinical assistant professor at UMKC School of Pharmacy at MU, and Karen Funkenbusch, director, Missouri AgrAbility Project, will oversee the PHARM to Farm project. Dr. Cochran completed two years of specialty residency training, is a Board Certified pharmacotherapy specialist, as well as practices and teaches at the University of Missouri General Internal Medicine Clinics. Kelly Cochran also grew up on a farm in Indiana.

Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors) is an annual meeting that brings together researchers, practitioners, decision-makers, and community members to discuss the issues that Missouri, the Heartland, and other states face as a result of the Latino demographic changes made evident by the 2010 census. Led by the University of Missouri, Cambio de Colores is a collaborative effort that includes MU Extension, other educational institutions in the Midwest and the South, and governmental and private organizations. The Cambio de Colores Latinos in the Heartland conference ran June 12-14 at the Millennium Center, University of Missouri St. Louis.

Jackie Allenbrand presented to over 200 participants at the Independent Living Summit held in St. Charles, MO, June 24-25. Also during the month of June, Jackie participated in a hydroponics meeting held in Maryville, MO where 18 committee members discussed the need to start up a non-profit business, bylaws, name of organization, and fundraising ideas. She also facilitated a presentation to 28 attendees at the Andrew County Senior Center with an AgrAbility client and his dog.

Submitted by Karen Funkenbusch