AgrAbility eNote banner
March 2014


Staff is also collaborating with the California Farm Bureau Federation on responding to farmers' stress and mental health issues surrounding the extreme drought conditions in the state. Staff was also asked to assist the Yolo County Public Health Department in translating to Spanish the five-year health assessment report.

The Arthritis Foundation Pacific Regional Directors met with CalAg at UC Davis to discuss on-going work. CalAgrAbility conducted seven Get Moving Arthritis Exercise classes in the month of February, including with the Northern Valley Indian Health, INC (NVIH) in Willows. NVIH serves the Native American population. More than half of the clients at NVIH have osteoarthritis.

Staff attended a Western Ag Center seminar on "Inorganic Dust Exposure in California Agriculture, A Health Hazard?" CalAg is finding an increasing number of consumers with respiratory illness among workers exposed to dust.

Submitted by Martha Stiles