Kentucky is getting ready for the National Training Workshop. Kentucky staff members are planning a great time and lots of information. Only two weeks and counting. See you in Kentucky.
Here in KY, staff members are fighting a losing battle with Mother Nature to keep up with the work of visiting clients and attending workshops and conferences. The National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville was a good example of this. The snow and ice affected the number of visitors this year, dropping the number to about 300,000 visitors, down from the last two years of over 400,000. Kentucky AgrAbility had a very successful booth there with several new clients and news from some of the clients staff had helped in the past, including a person from Iowa who learned about AgrAbility last year and told his friend. That person was able to contact a project near him and has since returned to farming.
Things are gearing up for the KY Summer Assistive Technology Workshop. This will be the eleventh annual event and Kentucky anticipates holding it in conjunction with the second annual Spinal Cord Congress. Staff are looking at sites and discussing dates now. The event will include several groups and presenters that will be attending the NTW in Lexington.
Third Thursday Event at the KY State University Demonstration Farm had an increase in attendance over the last year. This event was named the #1 Extension Program in the nation last year and KY AgrAbility is a part of each month's meeting.
Submitted by Linda Bokros