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May 2014


Chris Allen, Missouri farmer, and Sherry Nelson, University of Missouri Extension, presented in the health and wellness track at the AgrAbility NTW in Lexington, KY: Is More Better? Technology and Brain Injury.

Karen Funkenbusch, University of Missouri Extension, presented in the technology track at the AgrAbility NTW in Lexington, KY: AgrAbility AT in a Box for Farmers and Ranchers.

Sherry Nelson, University of Missouri Extension, also presented a conferencing session in the health and wellness track at the AgrAbility NTW in Lexington, KY: Overcoming Invisibility as a Caregiver: Reclaiming My Identity and a health and wellness conference session: The Changing Landscape of Spousal Relationships Post Brain Injury.

Karen Funkenbusch and Kelly Cochran, PharmD, BCPS presented Onsite Farmstead Medication Assessments to Prevent Injury and Improve Safe Medication Use at the NTW.

Maureen Cunningham, executive director for the Brain Injury Association of Missouri, attended the 2014 National Training Workshop in Lexington, KY.

Karen Funkenbusch and Willard Downs, University of Missouri Extension, presented at the Power Up 2014 Assistive Technology Conference and Expo held April 14-15, at the Tan-Tar-A Resort, Osage Beach, Missouri: AT in a Box for Missouri Farmers. Jackie Allenbrand, PHARM Dog USA, and Alda Owen, MO AgrAbility farmer also presented: PharmDog-4-Legged Assistive Device. Staff members from Life Essentials Lifts in Brookston, Indiana, brought down their lift equipment to exhibit during the equipment expo.

Maureen Cunningham and Karen Funkenbusch collaboratively showcased the Missouri AgrAbility and Brain Injury Associations in Missouri Programs at the Becoming a Military and Veteran Friendly Ministry, Free Clergy Symposium, in Jefferson City, MO. The event was held through collaboration between the Missouri Behavioral Health Alliance (MOBHA), Missouri Veterans Commission Foundation, and the Missouri National Guard Partners in Care Program. This informative symposium provided critical take away tools and resources to 110 clergy which will be helpful in providing pastoral care in fighting the rippling effects of those transition barriers U.S. service members, veterans, and their families are encountering.

Submitted by Karen Funkenbusch

Tracy Harlan, PharmD Candidate 2014 at UMKC School of Pharmacy at MU was one of only five students in the country to win the Pharmacy Today One to One Patient Counseling Award. She received this award as recognition of her skills in counseling and education she provided for AgrAbility farmers and ranchers to ensure they use their medicines in a safe way to prevent agriculture-related injuries. Tracy received recognition at the American Pharmacists Association annual meeting held in Orlando, FL. Tracy's award was announced in a press release on the University of Missouri-Kansas City website that cited her involvement with AgrAbility clients through the Pharm to Farm Onsite Farmstead Medication Assessments.

The UMKC School of Pharmacy student organization American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists a partner group with Missouri AgrAbility, was recognized as a Division AA National Chapter Achievement Award 2nd runner up, making them in the top seven in the country (of over 120 chapters). They were recognized during a gathering of thousands of pharmacy faculty and students at the American Pharmacists Association annual meeting in Orlando, FL and as the award was announced the description mentioned the exceptional health education and safety efforts that they had provided to Missouri AgrAbility clients.

Kelly Cochran, PharmD, BCPS and several AgrAbility clients were interviewed by the University of Missouri-Kansas City for a press release article that the university will be displaying on their website. The article focuses on an innovative educational experience for student pharmacists in which they provide onsite farmstead medication assessment and safety advice to AgrAbility clients to aid in preventing on-the-farm injury related to potential medication side effects.

Submitted by Kelly Cochran

Concussion education continued with Maureen Cunningham presenting at the Sports Concussion Seminar hosted by Freeman Health Center in Joplin, Missouri. This rural seminar was attended by nearly 200 coaches, athletic directors, school nurses, parents, and athletes. Maureen discussed the components and implications of Missouri's concussion law and how it affects rural athletes.

Submitted by Maureen Cunningham