NC AgrAbility would like to congratulate the 2014-2015 NCSU Ag Engineering AgrAbility senior design teams. Both teams were chosen for NCSU undergraduate research scholarships! The teams wrapped up their research phase in early December and will progress to fabrication in January. NC AgrAbility looks forward to seeing their project outcomes wrap up in April 2015 and would like to thank the NCSU Undergraduate Research Review Panel for their consideration and support of these projects. Stay tuned to the NC AgrAbility Facebook page for updates.
Project Coordinator Michele Proctor and NCSU Ag Engineering intern Kenny Atkins attended the NC Special Populations Workgroup quarterly meeting on December 16, hosted by the NC Community Health Center Association in Raleigh, NC. Michele and Kenny shared information about NC AgrAbility services and the upcoming "Let's Talk About Arthritis" regional train-the-trainer workshops, which are made possible by a safety grant from ASHCA.
Submitted by Michele Proctor