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January 2015


Ohio AgrAbility staff recently met with Dr. Carmen P. DiGiovine, PhD ATP/SMS RET, director of The OSU Assistive Technology Center, to take a tour of the facility and discuss opportunities to work together to serve Ohio AgrAbility clients. The Assistive Technology Center at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center provides customized assistance for people with physical, cognitive, or sensory disabilities. The center provides assessments and guidance for assistive devices such as wheelchairs, scooters, special computer equipment, communication devices, and vehicle modifications. The goal of Ohio AgrAbility and the Assistive Technology Center working together is to help Ohio AgrAbility clients reach their highest functional potential in all aspects of life through the use of technology.

The Ohio AgrAbility Project's commitment to peer-to-peer relationships was in full swing on December 16 as two OAP members, as well as their wives, met to discuss the challenges of farming from a wheelchair when the diagnosis is quadriplegia. The information, thoughts, and stories shared on December 16 will foster a long-standing relationship that will benefit all parties.

Submitted by Andy Bauer