Colorado AgrAbility has begun a planned outreach to its veteran population that includes email contact with all 64 county veteran service officers. Meetings have been held with the VFW, American Legion, Marine Corps League, and DAV that will result in Colorado AgrAbility being included in each organization's news publication as well as space in their state convention booklet. Colorado AgrAbility has also met with the governor's Office of Community Partnerships, and this contact is trending toward an outreach to the Fort Carson Transition Assistance Program. Meetings are underway with the Veterans Administration VISN 19 and 18 rural health officers and discharge-planning social workers. CO AgrAbility intends for its outreach to be seen by all veteran farmers and ranchers with disabilities in Colorado.
Jim Craig attended Military Day at the state legislature. Jim is a retired vet and a member of many veteran organizations. He was asked to go in his kilt to represent the Scottish American Military Society. He did so and spent some time with
Colorado Governor Hickenlooper. Jim had an opportunity to discuss AgrAbility with him, and the governor directed Jim to one of his staffers to continue an on-going dialogue about disabled veterans in agriculture, which is a major thrust in his campaign.
Submitted by Jim Craig