A news story in a local media led Colorado AgrAbility to reach out to Agribotix of Boulder CO. They were given a tour of the shop. This state-of-the-art, cutting-edge manufacturer offers drones for agriculture. They supply several types and sizes of drones as well as software and camera systems that can remotely scan a crop and provide feedback to the user as to crop condition. Their top-of-the-line system uses infrared and other frequencies to depict on a map or chart any areas of disease or infection/infestation in a crop. They can be seen on the web at www.agribotix.com.
CO AgrAbility's own Candy Leathers has been asked to sit on the Advisory Council of the Colorado state AT Coalition. This council traces its existence to the Colorado Assistive Technology Act. Its function is to improve access to, and acquisition of, assistive technology through state level activities to include financing, location, sourcing, and demonstration. Leadership activities will include disability awareness, technical assistance, training, dissemination of information, and collaboration with other relevant agencies. The council itself will be made up of representatives from every cross-section and area of Colorado. Candy will be a welcome and valuable addition.
Candy and Jim attended the Colorado State Office of Rural Health annual conference. They had a display table and were presented an opportunity to talk one-on-one with rural health nurses from around the state. Many had not heard of AgrAbility so this gave them a chance to spread the word and pass out their brochures and business cards.
As a member of the United Veterans Committee of Colorado, Jim attended the UVC annual banquet, as did nearly 900 other vets and families. Sloan Gibson, the Deputy Secretary of the VA was guest of honor. Jim was able to spend a few minutes with him to discuss how AgrAbility and the VA might partner.
Each year the members of the Colorado National Guard, both Air and Army sides, get together for a conference. Jim attended the conference and spoke with many guardsmen and women. He met with Maj. Gen. Edwards, the Adjutant General (TAG), and Sgt.Maj. Lawrence, the
Command Sergeant Major (CSM) of the Colorado Guard, to discuss how AgrAbility might benefit some of their guardsmen. Both the TAG and the CSM are farmers, so they readily understood the application. Colorado AgrAbility was presented with a certificate of cooperation for their efforts in reaching out to the Guard.
Submitted by Jim Craig