Indiana AgrAbility rural rehabilitation specialist Steve Swain, along with Bill Begley from Life Essentials, met with the staff of the Danville, Indiana, WorkOne office and the regional directors of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. The presentation included information about AgrAbility services and rural assistive technology. Mr. Begley presented Life Essentials product information and demonstrated the Life Essentials truck lift.
Submitted by Steve Swain
May was National Arthritis Awareness Month! Amber Wolfe, AgrAbility Partner from the Arthritis Foundation, promoted the AgrAbility project at the Indy Walk to Cure Arthritis, educated the public through local media, email blasts, and social media outreach, and provided arthritis-related information to AgrAbility counterparts and other interested parties.
Amber Wolfe attended the annual Purdue Women in Agriculture stakeholder's luncheon on May5th, held at Beck's Hybrids in Atlanta, IN. She also attended the IN FFA Proficiency Judges workshop on May 12th, met with the Indiana Soybean Alliance for social media partnering on May 19th, brainstormed methods of public service announcement outreach with the Learfield/Brownfield networks on May 21, delivered arthritis and agriculture materials to a local farm supply store and grain elevator on May 27, and attended the Indiana State Department of Agriculture's FFA National Chapter judging meeting on May 28th.
Submitted by Amber Wolfe