"The Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC), based out of California, works with veterans in the food and farming community in all 50 states to provide farming education and veteran assistance to those in need of help, either maintaining their operation or just getting started."
Morning Ag Clips
"PHARM Dog USA (Pets Helping Agriculture In Rural Missouri) is a program that provides pet partners to farmers and family members with disabilities."
"Although farming still is a predominantly male profession, women are inching their way past the grass ceiling, bringing with them a creative approach to farming, a concern for sustainability and a deep emotional connection to the land, according to regional agriculture experts."
"Creative minds have come up with ways of turning once-wasted buildings, containers and swimming pools into sustainable farms, capable of producing a large amount of food in our cramped urban spaces."
"Nedap introduces ‘Farrowing Feeding’: a new system that provides a simple and trouble-free transition from traditional to fully automated feeding of sows in farrowing crates."
Morning Ag Clips
"The use of drones to give farmers a bird's-eye view of crops and an assessment of their health is becoming a growing field..."