Indiana AgrAbility exhibited at the Purdue Extension Showcase of Excellence during the Professional Development Conference for Purdue Extension educators. The conference hosted over 250 Extension educators and Extension specialists and provided an opportunity for them to share information about existing and new programs and to set the vision for Purdue Extension for the next year. The Indiana AgrAbility display focused on existing programs, assistive technology, the new/beginning farmer program focusing on veteran farmers with disabilities, and conducting accessibility assessments for county fairgrounds.
Submitted by Steve Swain
Amber Wolfe, Arthritis Foundation, took part in a three-workshop series, beginning Oct. 28, called Social Media, Blogs, and Online Networking, hosted by the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council. Amber hopes to be able to better utilize and connect the various "Arthritis & Agriculture" Facebook pages, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, Pinterest pages, and more, to maximize the outreach of the projects.
The Arthritis Foundation-Heartland Chapter (Indiana office) has had several unique events over the past few months, all of which promoted the partnership with Purdue University and the Indiana and National AgrAbility Projects. These events, such as the 7th Annual Bone Bash Indy Gala, the Johnson & Johnson Provider Dinner, and the Riley Art Exhibit Launch Party, were held in various locations around the Indianapolis area and included arthritis patients, families, rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons, and physical and occupational therapists from the area.
Submitted by Amber Wolfe