Kentucky plans a busy holiday season to wind out the year. The UK Extension Agent Update is in progress. The East Region went first with the event in Winchester, KY. This event overlapped with the FFA National Conference in Louisville, KY. Over 64,000 high school FFA members along with siblings, parents, sponsors and ag agents crowded the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center to attend the four-day event. KY AgrAbility enjoyed interacting with this group of motivated agriculture students.
The November schedule got going with the Western Kentucky Extension Agent Update. November 4th and 5th saw the group gathered in Princeton, KY, to review policies, innovations in agriculture and other topics. KY AgrAbility follows that with an advisory board meeting to schedule events for next year and update the staff concerning ongoing projects.
The Kentucky State University, partner in the KY AgrAbility grant, will have AgrAbility as the main focus at its Third Thursday Event on November 19. The Small and Minority Farmer Conference at KSU is held each year in Frankfort during November and hosted by KSU. The Third Thursday Event is the final day of the 3 day conference.
Submitted by Linda Bokros