AgrAbility eNote banner
February 2016

West Virginia

WV AgrAbility conducted two farm site assessments and is working with WV Division of Rehabilitation Services on securing funding for the needed agricultural modifications. Both of these farmers currently raise livestock and produce hay, but have recently ventured into produce production using a high tunnel. WV AgrAbility worked with NRCS, FSA, and a WVU horticulture specialist to secure funding to assist with building the high tunnels, and an equipment loan for a raised bed mulch layer. The farmers continue to work with VR to secure funding to purchase their own equipment. Business plans were written for each of the farmers to assist with the funding and marketing of their new agricultural endeavor.

WV AgrAbility was represented at the "Agriculture and Conservation Day at the Legislature" at the state capitol in Charleston, WV. This outreach activity allows WV AgrAbility staff to interact with WV lawmakers on the issues affecting WV farmers. For more information, visit this URL:

WV AgrAbility was represented at the WV Honey Bee Expo in Parkersburg, WV. Information on beekeeping was available and accessible hives were displayed. WV AgrAbility supported one farmer to attend this expo after a recent spinal cord injury. For more information, visit these URLs: and

Submitted by Janet Della-Giustina