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March 2016


Steve Swain, rural rehabilitation specialist with Indiana AgrAbility, made a presentation during the final classroom session for physical therapist assistants at the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne before they begin their internships. The presentation included an overview of AgrAbility, services offered, veteran resources, the National AgrAbility website, and assistive technology for the farm.

Submitted by Steve Swain

IN Governor Mike Pence & members of IN Grown - Homegrown by HeroesOn February 29, 2016, seven farmer veterans became the first official members of the joint label Indiana Grown Homegrown by Heroes at a ceremony in the Indiana War Memorial, Indianapolis, Indiana. Governor Mike Pence, along with representatives from the Indiana National Guard, Indiana Department of Agriculture, the Farmer Veteran Coalition, and AgrAbility was in attendance for the event. The program gives veterans who are agricultural producers in Indiana the opportunity to use the exclusively-designed logo for their businesses and for their products. The seven farmer veterans who received their banners and certificates on Monday were:

IN governor Mike Pence and first Homegrown by Heroes membersTo be eligible for the new joint label, producers must meet all Indiana Grown membership criteria as well as the Homegrown by Heroes criteria. For more information on either of these programs, please contact Suzi Spahr at or visit and

Submitted by Katherine Prasuhn

Amber Wolfe, Arthritis Foundation, attended the three February regional meetings of the Indiana Dairy Producers, and is working closely with several farms to present pilot trainings on the topic of arthritis, assistive tools, and prevention for dairy workers with Spanish as their first spoken language. She is also promoting Spanish resources from AgrAbility and the Arthritis Foundation. The meetings were held in various locations around Indiana on Feb. 9, 10, and 11.

Submitted by Amber Wolfe

Linda Tarr in Southern Indiana has been busy with Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meetings in Lawrence, Dubois, Orange, Perry, and Daviess counties. She also had booths at Deere Country open houses in Seymour and Bromer, and a Jacobi open house in Palmyra. Linda spent two days helping at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville. Staff also participated in the Indiana FSA county committee member trainings in Scottsburg and Montgomery. Linda is working with the Lawrence County Master Gardeners and SICIL (Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living) on an accessible community garden project.

Submitted by Linda Tarr