Vermont AgrAbility continues to work with traumatic brain injury support groups. Recently Tom Younkman from VCIL/ Vermont AgrAbility was recognized at a support group meeting by Ted Foster, a farm worker with Laggis Farms in East Hardwick, Vermont. Ted has had three brain surgeries for tumors and has received chemotherapy. Ted is now back at the farm working part-time. One of his responsibilities on the farm is the repair shop where he has been creating some thank-you projects for people who have helped him through his struggles.
The attached picture is of Ted presenting to Tom one of those thank you projects, which will be mounted on the door of Tom's barn. Ted creates these signs from old horseshoes.
The other attached picture is of Tom Younkman and Joe Healy with his new traumatic brain injury handbook. Joe Healy, a member of the support group, has just published a book on his experiences surviving a traumatic brain injury. Joe presented each member of the support group with a signed copy for their personal collection.
Submitted by Tom Younkman