The KY AgrAbility team has spent the hot, humid summer traveling and visiting farmers across the state. Kevin Horn and Linda Bokros traveled to Frankenmuth, MI, to attend the Regional AgrAbility Workshop. This workshop focused on neck, back and knee impairments, along with vestibular problems.
Kentucky's partners from OVR traveled to Columbus, OH, to attend the Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists conference. The innovations in driver rehabilitation and training helps to form KY AgrAbility's response to farmers after an injury or illness. Determining if a client is able to operate the farm equipment can make a big difference in what is recommended and ultimately supplied for them.
Kentucky AgrAbility is ready for cooler weather and the fall swing. Several workshops and conferences were lined up and ready to go. The first week of September was the KY Rehab Association Workshop in Lexington. The two-day workshop is to inform rehab workers of the innovations happening in their vocation and to give them a chance to exchange ideas. KY AgrAbility focused on the needs of the disabled farmers in our state so when they assess a farmer for services they will have knowledge of the various modifications and adaptations that are available for farm equipment.
On the same day in Lexington at the Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Education Center was the 3rd Annual Kentucky Congress on Spinal Cord Injury (KCSCI). This is a meeting of spinal cord injury clients and care providers to discuss treatment options, view new techniques for care, and work on local and state agendas for laws and regulations to help the disabled. The October Third Thursday was on the 20th of the month.
Submitted by Linda Bokros