The Colorado AgrAbility Project (CAP) has been busy since the last e-Note posting. Their Winter Workshops are underway, so they are on the road traveling Colorado and presenting information on AgrAbility, rural mental wellness, and financial tips for farming in hard times. Referrals have been coming in so they are seeing lots of folks on their farms and ranches.
CAP was also invited to appear on post at Fort Carson to be on a panel for their "Veterans in Agriculture" event. As if CAP did not have plenty to do, the Farmers Union asked them to take part in their annual conference and training. This was a three-day event and included a CAP presentation on AgrAbility and a breakout session on the project. CAP also had a display set up for the duration.
A work-group comprising Colorado state legislators asked CAP to take part in a planning session to present monthly veterans' caucuses. These events, designed to raise public and legislator awareness of the need for funding and assistance to veterans in agriculture, will be held in February, March, April, and May 2017 at the state capitol.
Finally, Colorado AgrAbility was able to assist two disabled veteran clients in purchasing a much-needed tractor to compensate for their limited mobility, stamina, and grip strength. The purchase was accomplished by combining a Colorado Department of Military and Veteran Affairs grant with another grant from the Spaulding Foundation.
Submitted by Jim Craig