Michigan AgrAbility had a meeting in December 2016 with its Client Panel to review and discuss 2016 activities and to gather their suggestions for sustainability. One of the suggestions that Michigan AgrAbility is pursuing is contacting the Michigan Association of Fairs and Exhibitions to promote and support the project. As always, Michigan AgrAbility appreciate the thoughtfulness and support of its program by the Client Panel.
Michigan AgrAbility was the recipient of the talents of a very generous individual, a client at the Eisenhower Center, a rehabilitation facility for individuals having a traumatic brain injury, who made the project a combine made of wood with real moving parts. It was then auctioned and netted over $200 in donations! As part of the auction, a gift basket was donated by New Hudson Chiropractic. The team is thankful for such an outpouring of support for the Michigan AgrAbility program.
Michigan AgrAbility and Easter Seals are supporting Susan Kegerreis, who at age 5 was diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease (CMT). CMT is a progressive disease that deteriorates the nerves that connect the brain to the muscles and causes the muscles to weaken. Michigan AgrAbility and Easter Seals matched the first $1000 donated on her YouCaring Compassionate Fundraising page (https://www.youcaring.com/susankegerreis-703943) for an all-terrain wheelchair and accessible van with hand controls. Additionally, Michigan AgrAbility donated the majority of the materials for a ramp to her home, and Fred Moomey (HiLo Outlet in Cadillac) and Victor Caminata (Greater North Windows and Doors) brought a crew of volunteers out to build it.
Submitted by Deb Chester