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January 2017

National AgrAbility Project

Plans are well underway for the 2017 NTW Auction, a fund-raising event that contributes to our ability to provide farmer stipends to the conference. Please reach out to vendors, clients, family members, local business, and any others you know for donations. Big or small, we will take them all!

To change things up a bit, we will be having a Basket Raffle. Each SRAP is being challenged to create a basket that will generate the greatest amount of money by having the most people enter tickets in the raffle for that basket. The Basket Raffle will allow everyone to participate in the fund-raiser at the dollar amount that is comfortable for them, and will also allow us to provide greater time for perusing and entering to win.

Baskets may have a theme, or not. If you have the contents, but not the basket, we will put it together for you on-site. Need help getting it there? Let us know!

How will it work? Baskets will be in view of conference attendees, with each basket having a drawing date and time - for example, Wednesday lunch. Individuals will be able to purchase raffle tickets for $1 each, entering as many tickets as they wish for each basket! Spent $20 on tickets and REALLY like one basket ... increase your chances by putting all 20 tickets in the same can for that specific basket. Not sure what you want? Spread your tickets evenly across baskets!

Keep an eye on your email for more details from the Auction Committee, or reach out to JoBeth at, 585.402.2059!

Submitted by JoBeth Rath

Topics have been set for the 2017 Virtual National Traning Workshop webinars, February 21-23. Complete descriptions and registration information are coming soon.

Submitted by Paul Jones