AgrAbility PA had a busy and productive year in 2016! It was filled with meeting new clients, farm assessments, outreach events, and more. The staff, which is comprised of members from Penn State University and UCP Central PA, traveled and networked throughout the state spreading the word about how AgrAbility can assist farmers and other agricultural workers with disabilities or long-term health conditions.
The services, resources, and support provided by AgrAbility PA have helped many farmers and agricultural workers to live independently and to continue working in production agriculture. AgrAbility PA is fortunate to have strong partnerships with the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF), Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT), and other third-party funding sources to help farmers and farm families obtain needed equipment, assistive technologies, and modifications.
To learn more by visiting our blog, click here.
Project Assistant Abbie Spackman represented AgrAbility at the 2016 Pennsylvania Women's Agricultural Network's Annual Symposium: Sharing Seeds across the Rural Urban Divide. The keynote speaker was Lisa Kivirist, author of the book: Soil Sisters; A Toolkit for Women Farmers. Women from across the state came together to share and gain agricultural information. AgrAbility brought another piece to the puzzle by providing information for those facing the challenge of farming with a disability. The Centre County Grange Fair Queen also joined AgrAbility at the event!
A member of the AgrAbility PA advisory council received a great award! Dr. Daniel Foster, associate professor of agricultural and extension education with Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, is one of six educators nationwide to receive the National Association of Agricultural Educators Teacher Mentor Award. To learn more, click here:
Submitted by Abbie Spackman