Congratulations to Missouri SMVF (Service Members, Veterans, and their Families) State Team for the publication of the Provider Guide to Working with Missouri's Service Members, Veterans, and their Families, hosted on the Missouri Department of Mental Health's Veterans web page. This guide assists providers who are working with Missouri's military community. It lists and describes federal and state resources that specifically serve SMVF and provides instructions on how to access these resources. Topics and resources listed include behavioral health, brain injury, education, employment, compensation benefits, and housing. Visit the Missouri Department of Mental Health's Veterans webpage to learn more. Maureen Cunningham, executive director, Brain Injury Association of Missouri and nonprofit disability partner with Missouri AgrAbility, and Karen Funkenbusch, director Missouri AgrAbility, serve on the SMVF State Team as Missouri Behavioral Health Alliance members.
University of Missouri and Lincoln University Cooperative Extension AgrAbility staff members continue to meet with USDA program leaders (Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Rural Development) to discuss and explore ways to bridge service, outreach, and communication gaps between farmers/ranchers with disabilities, veterans, Latino/Hispanic, underserved, socially disadvantaged, and women producers who are in need of USDA programs.
Susan Jaster, Lincoln University Innovation Small Farm and Missouri AgrAbility Outreach Worker attended and "manned" the AgrAbility booth at both the Great Plains Growers and Mid-America Organic Association Conferences. She also
facilitated several follow up farmstead assessments with AgrAbility Clients. Susan is excited to report that the 93-year-old farmer; an AgrAbility Client she has been helping for the past year finally become eligible to receive a scooter from the Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Submitted by Karen Funkenbusch
Kelly Cochran, PharmD, BCPS, presented on secondary injury and medication-related agricultural injury risk factors at the Audrain County Soils and Crops Conference. This was to familiarize 75 farmers and farm wives with the Missouri AgrAbility Project (MAP) and their collaborative partner program, Pharm to Farm. MAP and Pharm to Farm materials were provided to attendees.
Submitted by Kelly Cochran