AgrAbility eNote banner
March 2017


Pills and a bottleOhio AgrAbility Program (OAP) staff has joined the Ohio State University Extension Opioid Crisis Working Group in their efforts to develop and promote educational outreach activities to combat prescription drug abuse in Ohio. OAP staff will coordinate with OSU Extension to create new content and to update existing programming to include prevention and awareness strategies. OAP will share information about OSU Extension wellness and health programs at OAP's upcoming Peer-to-Peer Spring Conversation networking events, and will introduce the new resources available from OSU Extension.

While OAP clients are well aware of Ohio's Extension services for agriculture, they may not be familiar with other programming and initiatives offered through Extension. OAPs presence in rural communities presents a unique opportunity to connect OAP clients and their neighbors with OSU Extension health and wellness programs. The rapport and trust between OAP clients and staff may encourage clients to use Extension health information to manage chronic health concerns, explore ways to eat healthier, reduce stress, and connect with others in their community.

Submitted by Laura Akgerman