Inetta Fluharty, WV AgrAbility Extension agent, provided disability awareness to 520 youth during the Wood and Tyler County Progressive Farm Safety Day. Fluharty discussed People First Language and why "handicapped" should not be used to describe a person with a disability, and had the students imagine what it would be like to try building a house using only a screwdriver - which is what it would be like for an individual with a disability if they did not have specific assistive technology. Then students participated in a hands-on activity where they tried to guess various types of assistive technology and what disability it would assist. Students were also asked whether an individual with paraplegia could be a teacher, play sports, go to the movies, or be a farmer, and then what special "tools" each profession would need to be successful.
West Virginia AgrAbility continues to provide information and resources to farmers requesting assistance. During the month of May, West Virginia State University Extension agent Inetta Fluharty conducted two farm site assessments and is working with West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (WVDRS) on securing funding for the needed agricultural modifications. Additional advocacy was provided to a farmer in securing the needed funding for farm site modifications from WVDRS.
Submitted by Inetta Fluharty