Vermont AgrAbility is gearing up for the third annual farmer field day to be held at the Lanphear family farm in Hyde Park, Vermont, hosted by Kirt Lanphear, an AgrAbility client himself and recipient of the Vermont Dairy Farmer of the Year award last year. After two highly successful field days in the past years, the Vermont AgrAbility Project looks forward to another exciting event this summer with even more presentations, demonstrations, and vendors. Lunch will be supplied to the first 150 people. As the day's event continues to evolve, attendees can anticipate highlights and presentations by the UVM extension service, the VT Agency of Agricultural Food and Markets, Vermont Center for Independent living, the Vermont Farmer Veteran Coalition, demonstrations of adaptive farming equipment, and personal glimpses of current and former AgrAbility project clients and how they keep farming with a disability.
Submitted by Tom Younkman