AgrAbility eNote banner
August 2017


Summer in Maine can seem like a short season. Time passes quickly when the weather is fine. Maine AgrAbility staff members have used this growing season to connect with hundreds of farmers, military veterans, several potential clients, partners, and others.

Lobster boat off Maine shoreRecently, Project Director Richard Brzozowski interacted with a physician's assistant whose family members are lobsterman to explore effective ways to reach fishermen in the downeast region of Maine. The daily chores of fishermen are similar to those of farmers in that they must work in a range of weather conditions and their bodies typically reflect wear and tear from the routine of tough physical tasks.

Independent Living Specialist Wanda Caron of Alpha-One staffed an informational display at the annual Wild Blueberry Field Day held in Jonesboro, Maine, on July 19. Wild blueberries hold a special place in Maine's agricultural history. Native Americans were the first to use the tiny blue berries, both fresh and dried, for their flavor, nutrition, and healing qualities, but it was not until the 1840's that wild blueberries were first harvested commercially.

AgrAbility Specialist Ellen Gibson of Goodwill Industries-Northern New England staffed an informational display for veterans at the Maine Military Community Network in Augusta, Maine, on July 20. Maine AgrAbility was one of about 50 service providers attending the event.

Project Coordinator Lani Carlson staffed an AgrAbility educational display at a field day held in late July at one of Maine's agricultural & forestry experiment stations known as Highmoor Farm in Monmouth, Maine. Over 100 apple, small fruit, and vegetable growers attended the field day and learned about universal design principles as they relate to farming.

Submitted by Richard Brzozowski