Project Coordinator Lani Carlson staffed an ATV safety educational display and demonstration at the Franklin County Soil Water Conservation District's Agricultural-Environmental Education Day. With over 500 kids taking part in this half-day event, it was a busy day of talking about ATV safety and preventing rollovers.
Richard Brzozowski and Lani Carlson worked with a videographer at Chapter 3 Farm in Newburgh, on September 21, to document a variety of assistive technologies and their uses. The final product is expected to be a series of three-minute videos to highlight the specific adaptive tools and equipment that are used on the farm.
Five AgrAbility staff worked at the three-day Common Ground Fair in Unity. The theme was universal design focusing on task lighting. They used a survey about task lighting and work habits to engage fair goers and start conversations. Staff will be producing an article about survey responses in the coming months. Ellen Gibson presented "Universal Design on Farm" to a group of about 25 farmers and gardeners on Saturday.
On Friday, Lani Carlson led a discussion on "Keeping Kids Safe on the Farm"to a smaller group of mothers and grandparents, a 4-H director, an Extension educator,
and a tractor safety specialist. Staff also highlighted the trio of raised beds built by AgrAbility during Homestead Day events in 2015.
Submitted by Lani Carlson