November was packed with outreach events for Nebraska AgrAbility. Emily attended the Nebraska FFA Pathways to Careers Conference in Grand Island to talk with FFA members about the AgrAbility project and the different disabilities encountered. Each individual was able to "act out" a disability and gain understanding about future careers in fields that help individuals with disabilities.
Emily also attended the Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety & Health (MRASH) Conference in Pella, Iowa. She spoke on the importance of sleep, especially while farming and ranching. She was a panel speaker at the conference where she talked more in-depth on the AgrAbility project.
The Nebraska team attended two farm and ranch expos during November, as well as the Ag-Ceptional Women's conference in Norfolk. The conference had high attendance and many people stopped by the booth to learn about ATV safety. Susan and Emily gave a presentation at the conference about ATV safety and Nebraska laws for farm/ranch use.
Submitted by Susan Harris-Broomfield