California AgrAbility staff attended and presented at the National Farmers Union Women's Conference in San Diego, California. Around 75 women farmers, ranchers, agency representatives, and government officials from around the country, attended the conference. Staff presented on the mission of AgrAbility and safety tips, and demonstrated tools that could help women around the farm or ranch. They also highlighted Green Heron Tools, which created a couple of tools specifically for women. Staff showed the audience how to access the women-specific tools and other tools available to them. The presentation was well received.
California AgrAbility participated in the Virtual National Training Workshop. Staff learned about a resource through VA to help veteran farmers with disabilities, how to improve the accessibility and safety at a farm home, and beekeeping assistive technology.
California AgrAbility joined the RISE Collaborative meeting in Esparto, California. Staff learned about new programs in their county, such as human trafficking prevention programs, new resources at the Yolo County libraries, and auto insurance fraud programs. Staff was able to share with over 30 agency representatives the mission of AgrAbility and the resources AgrAbility offers. Staff also promoted the Ability Tools webinar that focused on automotive mobility solutions for people living with disabilities.
CalAgrAbility was invited to participate in the planning of the 5th Annual Promotores Conference in Yolo. Staff have been taking an active role in planning and coordinating this cherished event in the community. The event will take place March 3rd in Woodland, California. It is a gathering of promotores from Yolo County and surrounding areas. Look for highlights of this event in the next e-Note.
CalAgrAbility's mass email of the Quarterly was sent out in January. This Quarterly featured a Spotlight on visual impairments and assistive devices. An invitation to join the National AgrAbility Training Workshop in Portland, Maine, was also included. To see the full CalAgrAbility Quarterly click here!
Submitted by Sara Wat