Rural agricultural small acre gardeners, and "never-gardened-before" adults and teens learned the basics of small-acre vegetable gardening at a "Small Acre Vegetable Gardening 101" seminar hosted by MU Extension and Missouri AgrAbility.
The free full-day seminar featured a variety of small acre vegetable gardening topics:
Attendees received MU Extension guide sheets and Missouri AgrAbility handouts and resource materials. Attendees also had an opportunity to ask questions of the speakers.
Missouri AgrAbility in collaboration with the MU Extension Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program (also known as the 2501 Program) co-hosted four "ABC's of USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Programs" workshops across the state. During the morning, participants heard from USDA FSA representatives about their programs:
In the afternoon, participants transitioned into a round-table discussion and heard from a variety of speakers who also shared Missouri information and resources about their programs that benefit socially disadvantaged, underrepresented, military veterans, women in agriculture, and farmers with disabilities.
They also fielded questions. Personnel from both the State of Missouri Department of Economic Development, Division of Workforce Development, and Department of Veteran Affairs, Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment, shared information about benefits and resources for military veterans and their dependents.
Jeff Reed, military veteran consultant, shared information and resources about Missouri AgrAbility from a military perspective. MU Extension and faculty from the Center for Agroforestry at University of Missouri also provided an overview of their programs.
Submitted by Karen Funkenbusch
The Missouri AgrAbility Project is being highlighted with the Brain Injury Fact of the Day for Brain Injury Awareness Month. A unique Brain Injury Fact of the Day is being aired on three rural Missouri radio stations each day of March 2018. In addition, five on-air interviews are scheduled during March, and there are an additional seven stations airing PSA announcements for Brain Injury Fact of the Day. This marketing program of the Brain Injury Association of Missouri (BIA-MO) in partnership with the Missouri AgrAbility Project has already increased awareness. A couple of callers to BIA-MO mentioned that they heard the Brain Injury Fact of the Day sponsored by the Missouri AgrAbility Project on the radio and were prompted to call. #ChangeYourMind
The BIA-MO Survivor & Family Seminars in Western and Southwest Missouri featured the Missouri AgrAbility Project, as a sponsor, and during the "Healthy Me" and other sessions. The assistance available and the importance of healthy foods were discussed, as persons with brain injury and their families learned practical suggestions of life with brain injury.
The BIA-MO Networking Coffee held in St. Louis on March 6, 2018, had more than 10 professionals who serve persons with brain injury, as well as Veterans, attend for the first time. The Missouri AgrAbility Project (MAP) was a topic of great interest for vocational, independent living, and adaptive equipment professionals. This was a very successful MAP networking opportunity.
Submitted by Maureen Cunningham
Pharm to Farm and University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy, Missouri AgrAbility Project collaborators, presented at the inaugural University of Missouri System Legislative Showcase. Legislators learned about the importance of training future pharmacists to care for individuals in production agriculture and to meet the specific health and medication safety needs of rural communities. Cross-campus collaborations with Missouri AgrAbility and Missouri Extension were highlighted. Legislators, academic administrators, and the UM System President visited with student pharmacists to learn about their readiness to return to rural communities following their training. Picture includes: UM System President Mun Choi; Kelly Cochran, PharmD, BCPS; Autumn Jaeger, Paige Stipanovich, and Megan Luke, PharmD Candidates in Class of 2018.
Submitted by Kelly Cochran