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August 2018


Dick Brzozowsky, Lani Carlson, and Shea Rolnick with CJ Walke of WERUOn Friday July 6, Maine AgrAbility's project director, Richard Brzozowski, Project Coordinator Lani Carlson, and AgrAbility client Shea Rolnick, owner of Knotty Goat Soapery, went to East Orland for a radio interview. CJ Walke invited the group to participate in MOFGA's monthly radio show on WERU to talk about Maine AgrAbility. During the hour-long radio show, the group talked about the history of Maine AgrAbility and its mission. The podcast is available on the website.

Maine AgrAbility display at Blueberry Hill FarmAgrAbility display close-up at Blueberry Hill FarmMaine AgrAbility exhibited at two events this month. On July 18, Wanda Caron attended the Wild Blueberry Annual Summer Field Day at Blueberry Hill Farm in Jonesboro, Maine. The display focused on aging farmers. On July 19, Ellen Gibson exhibited at the Maine Military Community Network (MMCN) conference. The topic of discussion at the booth was focused around agriculture as a viable employment option for veterans.

AgrAbility staff met with Kate Garland, UMaine Cooperative Extension horticulturist, to discuss possible accessible garden design ideas at the UMaine experimental farm in Old Town, Maine, and to schedule classes for the fall. Staff also met with a potential farmer seeking ideas for using a greenhouse in helping military veterans learn about greenhouse production. Other conversations throughout the month around AgrAbility included discussions with OT students about AgrAbility resources, advice to independent living consumers about accessible gardening, outreach at farmers markets, and two new client on-farm visits.

Submitted by Lani Carlson