California AgrAbility joined Dignity Health's Health Fair to bring resources to Durst Organic Growers. Along with agencies from Yolo County, staff outreached to over 30 farm workers and 10 employees of the farm. Staff met the manager and owner of the farm who were highly interested in the adaptive tools. Staff spoke to them about assistive technologies and tools used in agriculture. The talk stimulated farm personnel to discuss methods to create a device to help workers cut asparagus safely and to make the work less strenuous.
California AgrAbility staff joined NAP's Peer Support for People with Disabilities in Rural and Agricultural Communities webinar. Participants learned about the mission and services of Independent Living Centers (ILC's) as well as how they can help AgrAbility clients. Participants were also able to hear about how Kansas AgrAbility and Wyoming carried out their peer support programs.
Staff attended the Public Health Sciences Practicum Symposium and learned about the California Department of Public Health's insect repellent campaign. Their campaign "Don't Give Bugs a Biting Chance" focuses on protecting residents against insects that carry diseases, such as ticks and mosquitoes, by using repellent. Staff will be able to use the resource to inform agricultural workers and migrant seasonal farmworkers about the need to protect themselves, especially near standing water. Staff utilize educational opportunities like these to help build rapport with farmworkers. For more information, check out their online Insect Repellent Toolkit.
California AgrAbility sent out another Quarterly, updating agencies, consumers, and constituents on events in which staff participated. The Quarterly highlights outreach events, an "Aggie Tip" to help agricultural workers farm safely, and upcoming events in which California AgrAbility is participating. Check it out here in English and Spanish.
Submitted by Sara Wat