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September 2018


Missouri AgrAbility displayed at the 2018 Missouri State Fair, August 9 -19. Fairgoers learned how AgrAbility can be used as a resource for Missouri farmers and ranchers with disabilities. They learned ways in which they can continue to farm or ranch with the use of assistive technologies, adapted devices, and ergonomic tools.

Veterans at MO AgrAbility seminarGroup at MO AgrAbility seminarTwenty-five veterans, socially disadvantaged, minority, and beginning farmers and ranchers with disabilities, participated in a three-hour Missouri AgrAbility seminar. Participants learned what Missouri agriculture, assistive technology, social services and financial-related resources are available to them. MU Extension AgrAbility staff also shared tips about how to handle stress on the farm, depression, suicide prevention, PTSD, and coping strategies.

Missouri Assistive Technology is offering a free Fresh Start Program for credit and debt management to Missouri AgrAbility farmers and ranchers with disabilities. The nine-month pilot will help AgrAbility customers gain control over poor credit as well as providing customized coaching and one-on-one guidance to help participant's complete financial applications for assistive technologies, adapted devices, equipment needs, or ergonomic tools.

Blaine Kemna, Missouri AgrAbility Barn Builder and former MO AgrAbility customer, is featured on page 4 of CONNECTIONS: Creating a better future through brain injury prevention, support, education and advocacy, fall 2018 BIA-MO Newsletter. Blaine's AgrAbility story can be read by clicking here.

Missouri AgrAbility will sponsor Rural Track at the Brain Injury Association of Missouri's 14th Annual Statewide Professional Development conference October 4 - 6, 2018, in Chesterfield, MO. The annual statewide conference is the only one in Missouri established specifically for current trends in innovative therapeutic strategies, cutting-edge and best practice treatment options, and research relating to brain injury. This conference features national and local experts addressing issues of interest to professionals, survivors of brain injury, and family members. Thursday and Friday sessions will focus on topics of interest to healthcare professionals, rehabilitation specialists, social workers, vocational counselors, physicians, psychologists, mental health professionals, case managers, service coordinators, and others who provide care for persons with brain injury. On Saturday, a special seminar will be held for survivors of brain injury and their families. Chris Allen, Missouri AgrAbility Barn Builder and former Missouri AgrAbility customer, will share his success story of receiving AgrAbility and BIA services and financial assistance from MO Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. A full registration brochure can be obtained by clicking here.

Submitted by Karen Funkenbusch

Pharm to farm and UMKC School of Pharmacy staff at MO State FairUMKC School of Pharmacy personnel at MO State FairPharm to Farm and UMKC School of Pharmacy, collaborative partner of Missouri AgrAbility, provided farmers and farm families at the Missouri State Fair with rural wellness screenings and safety information. Twenty individuals were provided education about farm safety and health. Pharm to Farm and AgrAbilityPharm to farm and UMKC School of Pharmacy booth at MO State Fair flyers were distributed. Wellness screenings, including diabetes risk assessment and blood pressure/heart health were provided to 295 individuals. Tobacco cessation/prevention education with a smoker's lung display was a hit with attendees. Immunization education, OTC Med Safety education, and GenerationRx outreach with Drug Take Back Day disposal bags were provided to 320 attendees and farm families at a value of over $14,000.

Submitted by Kelly Cochran

Susan Jaster and Nahshon Bishop, Lincoln University and MO AgrAbility, at MO State Fair

Nahshon Bishop (Rt), MO AgrAbility Co-PI at MO State FairLincoln University had an educational booth highlighting AgrAbility at the Missouri State Fair. Susan Jaster and Nahshon Bishop of Lincoln University's Small Farm Program and Missouri AgrAbility outreach spoke to farmers throughout the fair about the Missouri AgrAbility Project with the purpose of raising awareness among stakeholders.

Jessup WagonLincoln University's Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program (ISFOP), in collaboration with the Webb City Farmers' Market, held an educational field day highlighting the Jessup Wagon 2.0 to area farmers. Topics discussed included:

Submitted by Nahshon Bishop

The Missouri AgrAbility Project was highlighted at the St. Louis VA Summit and the Missouri Rural Health Conference with exhibits hosted by Brain Injury Association of Missouri staff. These and other AgrAbility marketing efforts during August 2018 reached more than 300 individuals.

Submitted by Maureen Cunningham