New Mexico AgrAbility staff were able to participate in the National AgrAbility Project Regional Training Workshop held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on November 8-9. NMAP staff represented were from New Mexico State University, the University of New Mexico, Mandy's Farm, and New Mexico Technology Assistance Program (NMTAP).
Hello and ¡Hola! The New Mexico AgrAbility Project would like to introduce the principal investigators from New Mexico State University-Cooperative Extension, Dr. Sonja Koukel and Dr. Paul Gutierrez, who are leading the project. Dr. Koukel holds the position of community and environmental health specialist with New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service. Dr. Koukel has state-wide responsibilities providing health-related research-based information and programs to Extension agents, private and public institutions, and community stakeholders. Dr. Koukel's teaching, research, and outreach activities include affordable health care, food protection and safety, healthy homes and workplaces, and emergency planning and preparedness. Dr. Koukel has worked with New Mexico Tribal Extension, located in the eastern portion of the Navajo nation, the Pueblo communities located in the northern portion of the state, and the Hispanic communities located in the southern portion of the state. Programs include the Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management Program that helps to improve the physical and emotional health of individuals with chronic diseases and their caregivers by helping them gain self-confidence in their ability to manage their symptoms and how their health problems affect their lives. She is excited to lead the new SRAP!
Dr. Paul Gutierrez is currently professor and Extension agricultural and business management specialist. He serves on the Hispanic Graduation Workgroup at NMSU and the Ocotillo Institute for Social Justice. Dr. Gutierrez's current applied research and Extension work involves rural community development and outreach to Native American and Hispanic agriculture producers, dealing directly with production, marketing, and financial management issues. Dr. Gutierrez will be focusing on developing New Mexico AgrAbility's farmer and rancher outreach and network partners' program development, promotion, and implementation. Dr. Gutierrez will establish and maintain ongoing relationship with project partners and will assist with the coordination and preparation of marketing materials to network partners.
Submitted by Carla Wilhite