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January 2019


Happy New Year from Maine!
Maine AgrAbility continues to work with its NP partner Alpha One and their peer mentoring program in southern Maine high schools. Staff are developing ways to incorporate AgrAbility information into the curriculum and find opportunities to have agriculture-related discussions and field trips.

Maine AgrAbility Advisory CounciulStaff hosted the quarterly Advisory Council (AC) meeting on December 7 with eight AC members and new staff in Augusta. AgrAbility project goals were reviewed for the new grant cycle, as were upcoming events and AgrAbility program activities in the last quarter.

Anne Devin, Maine AgrAbility's veteran outreach specialist, has been busy making new connections with farmer veterans across the state using email and snail-mail, and hosting events. Anne recently discovered a useful inventory-related app called Sortly. She was able to introduce the free version of this app to a client with memory and organizational issues. They spent some time using the app to inventory the client's product and have the information easily accessible and up to date on his smart phone.

Submitted by Lani Carlson