Dameon Berry, a farmer veteran and beginning farmer with quadriplegia, was very happy to receive an Action Trackchair thanks to a generous donation from the Independence Fund recently. Also, BIG thank you to TNAP's friend, Stephanie Trost, with the Yellow Ribbon Fund and spouse of a FVC of TN member, for helping spark the connections. TNAP is now working with Dameon to find funding for additional needed assistive technology like the Life Essentials Flatbed Pilot Lift to farm independently.
THANK YOU NAP for great training and information at the 2019 AgrAbility VIRTUAL National Training Workshop. Staff learned a lot from all six webinars over three days on topics like new assistive technology, shoulder injuries in agriculture, accessible farm shops, issues for aging farmers, vocational rehab, and beginning farmers. They will share recorded webinars.
TNAP exhibited at the East TN Grain Conference and the TN Cattlemen's Convention and Trade Show. At the TN Cattlemen's Convention, staff attended an event honoring Jennifer Houston. She will become President of National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) at the National Convention next week in New Orleans, LA. She and her husband Mark own and operate East TN Livestock Center and have their own beef operation. They have a lifelong, multiple-generation footprint in the state and national beef industry. If not already familiar with Jennifer, meet her here!
TNAP talked with Jennifer and the TN Beef Council about pairing experienced farmers as mentors with the next generation of beginning farmers and planning a workshop on safe cattle handling for farmers with disabilities. Please share any success stories on cattle handling workshops and working with mentors to keep farmers safe.
TNAP staff attended the 2019 Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (SSAWG) Conference and networked with several states and planned for future workshops.
Derrick Stowell, TNAP consultant, an employee of UT Gardens Knoxville and a #UTPlantSciences Ph.D. candidate, contributed to the book The Profession and Practice of Horticultural Therapy! Stowell is passionate about using plants to inspire personal growth. Future publications to come. To purchase the book, click here.
Tennessee is now the tenth state chapter of the Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC). TNAP, TN Beginning Farmer Outreach Programs, and UT/TSU Extension have been providing support to FVC of TN as they develop their TN program. Staff will be sharing TN AgrAbility, TN, and USDA resources at the Pick TN Conference and hope many can join them.
Submitted by Tennessee AgrAbility